
Thursday, 30 June 2011

Sugar Bun.

We will need:

1 cup milk a little warmer than room temperature
2 teaspoons active dry yeast with a slide, or 20 grams of fresh
1 teaspoon sugar with a slide in the dough
100g melted butter + 50g for greasing baking after
1 egg medium or small
1 teaspoon salt
300-350 g flour (3 cups of cut as in the photo)
100 grams of vegetable oil (total)
100g sugar for sprinkling (or 6 tablespoons total)


1. Gently warm milk 30-40C (not hot!) Mixed with sugar and yeast. Let stand 10-15 minutes.

2. Stir in milk and yeast mixture with melted butter, egg and salt.

3. Pour the flour and knead the dough. Amount of flour, depending on its properties may vary slightly. The main thing is not to add too much of it - the dough should be soft and lipnuschim hands on it.
4. Add to dough 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, it ceases to be sticky. Close foil and provide rasstoyatsya hour and a half (minimum 1 hour).
5. Ready to roll out the dough floured table to a thickness of 5 mm.
6. Entire surface of the dough evenly and liberally lubricated with oil and sprinkle well with sugar.
7. Close range in roll and cut into pieces 4-5 cm in width
8. Each piece is cut into one or two times up to half the depth, slightly open and put on greased baking sheet.

9. Bake for 20-25 minutes in oven preheated to 180C.
10. Ready buns with melted butter to grease.

1. If you like the buns popyshnee give rasstoyatsya test longer. I was proofing only 1 hour, the family could not wait any longer.
2. Large amounts of sugar also reduces their lightness during baking. You can add sugar less choose what you like.
3. I baked 25 minutes, the crust in this case turned out prizharennoy and crispy. If you like softer - bake for 20 minutes until light zarumyanivaniya.
4. Another method of forming the buns. Divide dough into 10 equal pieces. Each flatten, spread butter and sugar, fold into roll. The resulting roll fold in half and cut into the knife with one hand close to the bend, stretch.
5. In addition to sugar buns can be sprinkled with poppy seeds, cinnamon or raisins.

Bon Appetit!

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