
Thursday, 20 September 2018

How To Cook The Perfect Sausage.

- How To Cook The Perfect Sausage - Our Guide | Farmison™ - All about Sausage!

- Remove the sausage from the chiller 20 minutes before cooking, this will enable the sausage to cook evenly & stop the skin from splitting on contact with the heat
- Use a heavy based non stick frying pan, place on a low to medium heat
- Add a tsp. of duck or goose fat to the pan, then swirl around until the base is fully coated then tip away any excess fat.
- Place the sausages in the pan, making sure there not touching each other & keep on a constant heat, turn regularly so the sausages get a light golden colour, 10 to 12 minutes for a traditional thick sausage.
- At this point turn the heat up a little to create a rich dark caramel colour, this will only take a few more minutes turning the sausages regularly.
- Once cooked the sausage will be firm to touch, with a internal temperature of 70°C, the secret now is to let the sausages rest for a few minutes, just like you would a steak allowing the expanded protein cells to relax, giving you a tender, juicy sausage.

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