
Saturday, 18 May 2019

Sourdough pancake.

- Sourdough pancake recipe | Food | The Guardian
Break three whole eggs into a large bowl and whisk.
- 170ml whole milk and
- 120ml sourdough, two
- 2-finger pinches of salt,
- 100g plain white flour and
whisk all together.
Then, melt a big knob of butter in a large frying pan and whisk into the pancake batter.

Now, fry the pancakes in the large frying pan, tossing occasionally until they are golden on both sides.
Lubricate your frying pan between pancakes with a little oil on kitchen paper.
Serve while still warm.

Ingredients for the fluffy sourdough pancakes:
1 cup sourdough starter-mine is 80% organic white wheat and 20% wholegrain spelt, 80% hydration.
1 large egg
2 tbsp coconut sugar (or any other whole foods sweetener that you like)
1/3 tsp Himalaya salt or fine sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp organic baking powder
a pinch of vanilla powder
2 tbsp butter

2 large eggs
245g (1 cup) whole milk
61g (1/4 cup) Greek yogurt (optional)
250g (1 1/2 cup, stirred down) sourdough starter
4g (1 teaspoon) vanilla (optional)
180g (1 1/2 cups) all-purpose, einkorn, or a mix of all-purpose and whole wheat, flour
6g (1 teaspoon) baking soda
4g (1 teaspoon) baking powder
5g (1 teaspoon) sea salt
50g (1/4 cup) granulated sugar
63g (1/4 cup or 1/2 stick) melted butter

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Tender lamb shoulder by Jamie Oliver.

- Tender lamb shoulder | Lamb recipes | Jamie Oliver recipes
500 g dried chickpeas
2 preserved lemons , (20g each)
1 kg ripe plum tomatoes
1 x 2 kg lamb shoulder , bone in
2 heaped teaspoons ras el hanout

Pour the dried chickpeas into a 30cm x 40cm roasting tray.
Quarter the preserved lemons and trim away the seedy core, then finely chop the rind and add to the tray with a good splash of liquor from their jar.
Roughly chop the tomatoes, adding them to the tray as you go.
Drizzle the lamb with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then rub all over with the ras el hanout and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper.
Sit the lamb in the tray, pour in 1 litre of water, cover tightly with tin foil and place in a cold oven.
Turn the temperature to 170ºC/325ºF/gas 3 and leave the lamb in there for 6 hours, or until the chickpeas are cooked through and the lamb is pullable – after 3 hours, stir a splash of water into the chickpeas, covering tightly again with foil.
To serve, taste the chickpeas, season to perfection, and drizzle with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, then pull the lamb apart with two forks.

Высыпьте dried chickpeas в противень размером 30 х 40 см.
Четвертинки консервированных лимонов без семян, с мелко нарезаной кожурой добавить в лоток с жидкостью из банки.
Нарежьте помидоры, и добавьте их в лоток.
Сбрызните ягненка 1 столовой ложкой оливкового масла, затем разотрите с помощью ras el hanout и щепотки морской соли и черного перца.
Поместите ягненка в лоток, залейте 1 литром воды, плотно накройте фольгой и поставьте в холодную духовку.
Поверните температуру до 170ºC / 325ºF / газ 3 и оставьте ягненка там на 6 часов, или пока нут не будет прожарен, а ягненок не будет мягким - через 3 часа, добавьте воды в нут, снова плотно прикрывая фольгой.
Попробуйте нут, доведите до совершенства и сбрызните 1 столовой ложкой оливкового масла, а затем вытащите ягненка на две вилки.