
Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Shchi from sauerkraut.

Shchi - is a Russian style cabbage soup.
When sauerkraut is used instead, the soup is called sour shchi, while soups based on sorrel, spinach, nettle, and similar plants are called green shchi.
Very little is required for cabbage soup.
In my case - actually sauerkraut, quite sour, as I love.
A handful of dried mushrooms, a pair of onions and a pot.

Cut onion into squares 5-7mm and fry in vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add cabbage and fry more for 10-15 minutes.
Then put pot in the oven - 150C for 40 minutes without cover.
During this time the cabbage was browned a bit.
At the time, put mushrooms in cold water, and boil - you can have quite a decent dark broth.
Pour the broth with the mushrooms into the cabbage, stirred it, covered the pot with a lid and returned it to the oven 150C for half an hour.
After half an hour lower the temperature to 110C and held for another 2 hours.
Then turn off the oven, but did not take out the pot - left it till morning.

Sprinkle with dill and ate it with inexpressible pleasure.
A magnificent thing!

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