
Friday, 18 October 2019

My malt and molasses bread.

- Malt Extract (from barley)
is derived from barley grains and water.
It is packed with sugars plus some nutrients, including vitamin A and riboflavin.
- Molasses or black treacle (British English)
Treacle - is basically the British equivalent of molasses.
It comes in several grades, ranging from light “golden syrup”, to dark or “black” treacle.
The word “treacle” is defined as any syrup made in the refining of cane sugar.
This includes molasses, though some will debate whether the two are the same or not.
Molasses at

How to Measure Treacle or Syrup:
- Pour the sticky liquid into the oiled measure and then it will slip off easily into the bowl or pan.
- Dip the measuring spoon or implement into hot water.
Pour the sticky liquid into the measuring spoon or implement straight after the item has been dipped in boiling water.
Again, the measured sticky liquid should pour off easily.
- Use a plastic or glass measuring cup. It's easiest to measure sticky and viscous liquids like syrup if you first measure oil in the cup, then use the cup without cleaning the oil.
Or, if the recipe doesn't call for oil but a little oil wouldn't hurt, you can grease the cup with some.

See My Sourdough for more detail into my basic process!

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