Showing posts with label Russian cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian cuisine. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Shchi from sauerkraut.

Shchi - is a Russian style cabbage soup.
When sauerkraut is used instead, the soup is called sour shchi, while soups based on sorrel, spinach, nettle, and similar plants are called green shchi.
Very little is required for cabbage soup.
In my case - actually sauerkraut, quite sour, as I love.
A handful of dried mushrooms, a pair of onions and a pot.

Cut onion into squares 5-7mm and fry in vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add cabbage and fry more for 10-15 minutes.
Then put pot in the oven - 150C for 40 minutes without cover.
During this time the cabbage was browned a bit.
At the time, put mushrooms in cold water, and boil - you can have quite a decent dark broth.
Pour the broth with the mushrooms into the cabbage, stirred it, covered the pot with a lid and returned it to the oven 150C for half an hour.
After half an hour lower the temperature to 110C and held for another 2 hours.
Then turn off the oven, but did not take out the pot - left it till morning.

Sprinkle with dill and ate it with inexpressible pleasure.
A magnificent thing!

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Solyanka. Soup.

There are three basic types of solyanka:
- with the main ingredient being either meat,
- fish,
- or mushrooms.
All of them contain pickled cucumbers with brine, and often cabbage, salted mushrooms, smetana (sour cream), and dill.
The soup is prepared by cooking the cucumbers with brine before adding the other ingredients to the broth.
For meat solyanka, ingredients like beef, ham, sausages, chicken breast together with cucumber pickles, tomatoes, onions, olives, capers, allspice, parsley, and dill are all cut fine and mixed in a pot.
The broth is added, and heated for a short time on the stove, without boiling.
Fish solyanka is prepared similarly, but soup vegetables are cooked in the broth.
The meat is replaced with fish such as sturgeon, salmon, and freshwater crayfish.
Finally, some lemon juice is added to the soup.
For mushroom solyanka, cut cabbage is heated in butter together with vinegar, tomatoes, cucumber pickles, and a little brine.
Separately, mushrooms and onions are heated, and grated lemon zest is added.
Cabbage and mushrooms are added in layers, breadcrumbs and butter are added, and the soup is briefly baked.

500 g. bones
200 g. meat
100 g. cooked ham (or veal with skin)
70 g. sausage
120 g. cooked kidney
70 g. chicken

200 g. onions
100 g. pickles
180 g. capers
80 g. olives
80 g. tomato paste
50 g. butter
Black pepper kernels
Bay leaf
100 g. sour cream
Parsley and dill

Make broth by boiling the meat and bones.
Remove the meat and bones and place to one side.
String-cut the onions and fry them in butter (without letting them brown).
Add them to the broth along with the tomato paste.
Remove the skin from the pickles, slice into cubes, and add to the broth. Cook 4-5 minutes.
Add the pepper kernels and bay leaf.
Next, add all the various boiled meats, finely sliced into pieces about 2-3 mm thick and 2-2.5 cm long, along with the capers, and a few pitted olives.
When serving, add olives, sour cream, and a slice of peeled lemon.
You may also cook solyanka with chicken broth and smoked meats instead.
But remember: the greater the variety of meat, the tastier your solyanka will be!